Radically improve access to high quality and cost efficient e-health gynaecological care.
of women had a bad experience
The speculum examination
a detested experience
Every woman will have to undergo a gynaecological examination once and often several times in her life. However, many do not look forward to this experience at all. One of the main reasons being anxiety for the vaginal speculum.
The speculum device
A lack of innovation
Healthcare professionals struggle with gaining optimal visualization of the cervical portio depending on experience and patient characteristics. Regardless, the design of the speculum has remained virtually unchanged for the past centuries.
Time for change
Faced by the limitations of the conventional specula we decided to take on the challenge of designing a better examination device with the female anatomy in mind.
Ultimately, all these efforts have led to the Femiscope®, a unique speculum with a light & camera module that will revolutionize gynaecological care.
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